Obi-Wan's Beer Fridge

Passports, Certificates and ID's

Basics Of Baiting
Passports, Certificates and ID's
Money Transfers
Other Images & Stuff
Common Baiting Questions

Lads often ask for these in the early stages of their scripts. Naturally, you don't want to send them anything they can use.

Many baiters will advise that you don't need to send anything at all to your lads, and they're absolutely right. A mugu should never receive any documents / scans / or anything else they may ask for - at least not without a lot of grief and stalling from you first! Personally, I like to ask lots of questions (one or two per e-mail of course, then one or two after that, and so on) and give lots of excuses before I send anything. Some examples are...

- Why do you need that?
- I don't have a passport.
- Do you promise to only use it for security reasons then discard it?
- I've applied for a passport, but it will take three weeks.
- My passport was stolen/lost. Can I use someone else's?
- It's against the law to copy that document. Are you sure I won't go to jail for this?
- I don't have a scanner. Give me some time to find somebody who does. It'll take a few days tops.

The truth is that most lads could care less about getting your passport. They just ask for it to a) make themselves sound really official, b) establish that they're in control, and c) who friggin' cares... this is a scammer we're talking about.

Sometimes however, especially in a straight-bait, you want to pretend to cooperate with his demands. If that's the case (and you've already sent him a "nothing" file or a renamed .dll), you can always send him one of these.

Your lad needs a copy of your passport? Sure, here's a copy right here.

What? He needs the inside page? Well he never said that now did he?



Here are some that somehow got corrupted. File degradation, stuck in the scanner, improper settings, or any other thing you can think of is a perfectly good excuse, as long as it's not your fault.




Maybe you'd rather send him a clearer image. No problem! If he tries to enlarge these to the size where he can read them, everything will be so blurred he'll go blind trying to figure them out!



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